Crucial Layers of Security for Peripherals and Endpoint Devices

  • October 4, 2021
  • Jennifer Moore
Crucial Layers of Security for Peripherals and Endpoint Devices

Among the number of things that plagued past year and present, security breach grabs a chunk. Indeed, riling the surge in digitized banking and the burgeoning decentralized finance, malicious agents have struck at nearly all possible nodes generating fear and suspicion across industrial and governmental hierarchies. 

There have been reported incidents of a perpetrated power outages for long hours causing Stock Exchanges to halt operations resulting in heavy losses. The severity of ransomware attacks has paralyzed top IT firms. Malicious entities have invaded federal agencies, stealing sensitive documents to threaten national security.

The malicious agents have been rampant, exploiting the expanded territory made even more conducive by an increase in online transactions; the pandemic driving the work from home reality. To combat these lurking cyber criminals it is crucial to secure the peripheral devices.

The Need to Secure Endpoint Devices and Peripherals

Individuals and organizations cannot do without these endpoint devices and peripherals. Overlooking their particular security leaves institutions and individuals with a gaping risk of imminent attacks. 

Requisite immunity for these devices may allow you to securely transact or exchange documents. The article emphasizes the methods to secure endpoint devices and also indicates the crucial layers of protection for the endpoint devices.

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Guidelines to Secure Endpoint Devices

To enable you to choose a solution robust enough to secure your organization’s peripherals and endpoint devices from all imminent threats without disturbing the workflow, here we list the principles that make endpoint security truly effective these days:

A preventive approach

As is the rule while addressing all odds, is to assume a preventive approach by exercising caution across the network by delegating the functions to reliable cyber security firms.

The losses from a malware attack, for instance, are estimated to touch $2.6 million per company, on average. It doesn’t even end at cost and time. There is also the risk of hampering brand equity and customer trust.

AI-powered multi-layered security

The cyber security realm, today, stands complex and is demonstrated by multiple layers. Thereafter, the existence of millions of strains of unknown malware and advanced invasion techniques mandates the layered security architecture.

To combat today’s advanced cybercriminals, the endpoint protection solution is required to be augmented by artificial intelligence. Therefore, this should enable inspection at every opportune interface, going beyond traditional detection methods such as signatures and rules.

Recovery post-attack

Regardless of all preventive measures and layered security protocols, company networks are still vulnerable to sophisticated hacking mechanisms. Post-attack remedial ability is important for the organization. Moreover, it is important to restore normalcy through state-of-the-art post-infection remediation and recovery capabilities.

Consolidated Cloud-based management

A peripheral protection mechanism that serves as a single, consolidated agent can appropriately control processes, simplifying management, and reducing the total cost of ownership.

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Crucial layers of protection

Having recognized how an attack may be countered we move on to the crucial security layers that work to ward off the infection.

The height of peripheral device security solutions should offer advanced anti-phishing robustness to shield users from phishing schemes. Thereafter, including zero-day phishing schemes,  while they are in their mailboxes or browsing the internet. Therefore, this level of protection may empower you to stay ahead of cybercriminals and take the detection burden out from the user experience.

  • Anti-Phishing Immunity

The optimal peripheral security solution must perform advanced anti-phishing rounds to protect users from phishing schemes, including zero-day phishing schemes,  while users check emails or browse the internet. Protection of this level enables you to stay ahead of cybercriminals and take the detection burden off the user.

  • Anti-Ransomware Immunity

Ransomware like zero-day ransomware can be extremely damaging and difficult to neutralize. Its nature conceals its existence until it strikes, thereby catching the security team off guard.

  • Content Purge at Entry

Organizations can’t afford to hamper productivity by analyzing every attachment from incoming emails. Thereafter, can they risk allowing files to be downloaded to users’ PCs and laptops without first inspecting those.

  • Anti-bot immunity

Bots constitute a formidable security threat, often using them in an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack against a particular individual or organization.

Bots latch on to the organization’s command and control servers, wherein the hacker instructs the bot remotely to execute the malicious designs.

Bot attacks cause data theft – of personal, financial, intellectual property, or organizational nature. Prevent these attacks, require endpoint security including the requisite anti-bot capabilities.

  • Automated post-breach restoration

Traditional endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions can merely identify suspicious behaviors. Typically armed with very few specialized rules, they also lack automatic remediation abilities.

The want of automation implies that the risk of attack residuals is higher; time-consuming manual processes potentially leading to a disastrous end.

Wrapping up

As we may see, the vertical amounting to secure endpoint devices and peripherals is fraught with complexity and challenge. An increasing number of endpoints remaining vulnerable leaves those open for cybercriminals’ target practice. Building up immunity in those areas is hence necessary to boost systemic security.

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